
Escape Room Pittsburgh

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Escape Room Pittsburgh is the city’s first interactive, immersive puzzle game. Filled with riddles, gadgets, and mind tricks, the mysteries behind the Escape Room doors will challenge you and your teammates to 60 minutes of isolation where only problem solving, creativity, and resourcefulness will set you free. Our mission is to create educational experiences that foster creativity, team building, and human ingenuity. The entire theme, display and experience at Escape Room will be designed for a unique educational experience -- delivered in an entertaining format.

Mad Scientist - Dr. Stein's Laboratory (Max 8 People)
This room is mad scientist themed with puzzles focused around science, simple machines, and special devices. After discovering who Dr. Stein really is, you will follow his footsteps and discover what he was working on.

Prison Escape - (Max 6 People)
This room is just like the jail cell you spent that one night in when you were a teenager, the only difference is you can actually escape this one without all the legal problems. Everyday items will be used to help in your escape and no escape plan is too far fetched. Brush up on your prison themed movies they may aid in your escape.

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

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